Texas School Superintendent Training

Texas School Board
Trustee Training


Gulf Coast Community Action will come to your board with our highly-trained, experienced, and state-certified school board coaches for a two-day, experiential, and transformational workshop. You will leave with our framework for implementing the five tenets of effective board leadership.

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  • Evaluating & Improving Student Outcomes
  • Team Building
  • School Board Development
  • Texas Education Code
  • Sex & Human Trafficking
  • School Finance
  • School Safety
  • Cybersecurity
  • Open Meetings Act
  • Public Information Act
  • Student Date & Information
  • Recruiting & Retaining Teachers
  • Engaging & Supporting Parents
  • Community Engagement

EVENTS & Workshops

Getting Back To Basics

GCCAA strives to educate through workshops that matter to Texas Education Leaders.

A Texas Education Symposium

Getting Back to Basics


OCT 14 - 15

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


School Board Workshop and Research-Based Framework Coaching

Gulf Coast Community Action will come to your board with our highly-trained, experienced, and state-certified school board coaches for a two-day, experiential, and transformational workshop. You will leave with our framework for implementing the five tenets of effective board leadership.


State Education Agency (SEA) School Board Program Development

Gulf Coast Community Action Agency leadership can help your state education agency or board association develop and implement a state-specific school board leadership workshop and governing framework focused on improving the education results that are important to your state. See more about the Texas program we helped build.


Legislative and State-Level Leadership Support

Legislators play a critical role in helping school boards and school systems focus on student outcomes. We can help your state successfully adopt and implement state-level and local school board student outcome goal workshops, frameworks, coaching programs, and tools. To learn more about the Texas student outcome goal legislation, visit the Texas Education Agency.


School System Quick Improvement Analysis

Skip the long reports and education jargon! Gulf Coast Community Action Agency Leadership has a researched-based, actionable, and easy-to-understand root cause rubric that helps school boards and school leaders understand their current student results and how they can be quickly improved. Texas school leaders can visit the Commit Partnership Data Dashboard to see your school district and school results.


Custom School Board and Education Leader Coaching, Workshops and Presentations

Does your school board or education leadership team need advice or an expert thought partner? We provide tailored workshops and consulting to help your board with any issue. Gulf Coast Community Action Leadership expert coaches are frequently asked to provide key-note speeches and custom workshops at state, national, and international education events.



Texas School Board Lone Star Governance Leadership Workshop and Framework

Gulf Coast Community Action Agency Leadership team members will support and assist the Texas Education Agency develop with a two-day Texas Lone Star Governance School Board Leadership workshop, framework, and ongoing support system. Gulf Coast Leadership can fully support all aspects of implementation. Data shows school boards that implement the Lone Star Governance framework with continuous coaching will improve student results.


House Bill 3 Newly Required School Board Student Outcome Goal Plans

House Bill 3 requires your Texas school board to adopt comprehensive early education and college, career, and military readiness (CCMR) plans with meaningful student goals based on the Texas A-F Accountability System. Gulf Coast Leadership can help your school board develop, adopt, and monitor your plans. We can also review your draft plans for compliance with Texas law.


New House Bill 3 Programs, Grants, and Funding Opportunities

The Texas Legislation recently passed House Bill 3. House Bill 3 includes a wide variety of new programs, grants, and funding opportunities for Texas schools. Gulf Coast Leadership coaches and partners can assist your school district, school, or charter school be successful in understanding and accessing funding under House Bill 3.


New House Bill 3 Required Efficiency Audits Prior to School District Tax Increase

House Bill 3 requires your Texas school board to undertake an efficiency audit prior to increasing your maintenance and operations tax rate. The guidelines for efficiency audits are currently being finalized. Gulf Coast Leadership coaches and partners are providing input on the guidelines and can work with your school district to be successful.


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